After Miss Cindy was adopted, I saw a couple of kittens and offered to foster them together. I was informed, though, that one of the little babies needed socialization and that it might not be a good idea to take both, as the other one might develop her skittish tendencies. Which makes sense. So I said "Okay, I'll take one then." and agreed to take the skittish one, since Lydia, the Foster coordinator, thought that Mr. B. could be a good Yoda to her Luke Skywalker. My words, not hers. :)

This is Barbie. That first day she was sort of unsure. But VERY vocal about being left alone in a strange place, blocked off from everything. We were okay if we were quiet, or if I was in the kitchen quarantine place playing with her, but if not she'd spend a good five minutes telling me to come back and LET HER OUT... But she was just unsure, poor baby, and left alone... and it didn't take very long at ALL for her to be strong enough to jump up and scale the kitty gate to escape into the rest of the house so that she could be with us.

As for her personality, I'd have to say it's gorgeous. She's a curious little girl. She's not a climber-up-your-legger like some kittens... when I am in the bathroom doing the washing my face and putting on the makeup routine, I'll hear a soft little mew and look down and she's perched herself against my foot, looking up to say "hi." She's relaxed and become very comfy in her semi-home and now feels no need to be very vocal at all. just a chirp once in a while. "hi!"
She's not a chewer. Some kittens can chew, but she's more a pouncer and player. She loves all Mr. B's little mouse toys and has been known to find and chase a piece of cat food across the floor. She's even been known to try to tackle the occasional tennis ball.
I'd have to say she's become very good at being a kitten, and I'm proud of Mr. B. for helping her. She's a snuggler, when she's done playing hard. She loves sitting across my laptop when I type, and she'll fall asleep with her head on my wrist. But she's an independent little adventurer, too. She wasn't quite sure how to play at first with Mr. B. She did a lot of hissing and running, but with him being patient (I've never seen him act this way with a kitten before... it's like he knows she was confused and he acts like her big brother).
There's that adventurer....
She has become comfortable hanging out with B. Of course she still loves to chase his tail and run up and grab him around the neck. This morning as I was getting ready for work she ran up to him, and grabbed him and he just sat there. It was very cute. Until he got tired of her hanging onto him and put his paw on her head and pushed her off. :-D
Snuggle kitty.....
If the link works, you should be able to see her playing tag with B. in the Box. If not, well, they're playing tag with a box as home base.
Now I thought I had a dad lined up for her. Unfortunately it looks like that might have fallen through, through no fault on any side. So I'm posting her here... for all to see... trying to find a home for her. In a nutshell: Would do good with other cats, as long as proper introduction time is given for them to become comfortable with each other (as is true with all cats, really.) But would probably be fine by herself. Doesn't care to be held all the time, but would love a lap to sit on/next to when tired. Independent, but very loving. Playful without being destructive. Can get wound up while playing but is VERY easily steered away from nibbling (and is not a hard biter/scratcher when she IS playing with humans). A bit of kitty food, some little toy mice, and she'll be content for hours and hours. And you will be too.
As you can see, she's a beautiful smoky grey, with darker roots and what appears to be a tabby pattern slightly darker in there. She's very symmetrical, with tiny tufts of white coming out of both ears, a very thin white stripe down her forehead, her two front feet evenly white and her rear feet and legs have white socks (even amounts). She's got two spots of white, one between her front legs, and one between her rear legs with a tiny thin stripe running between them. And a few odd white single strands of hair poking out atop her hip.
I have her until the Friday before Memorial Day, then she's to go back to the Anti Cruelty Society to be spayed before going up for adoption. :)