Saturday, March 3, 2012

Another day...

IF this uploader works, you will see the FABULOUS Miss Cindy running her little tushie off. We've started getting her out, going to the bathroom, then taking a puppy run out to the end of the courtyard and back. It works really well because 1. It takes the edge off that puppy energy. 2. We'll invariably run into someone. And the more someones we run into, the more socialized she gets. 3. It works out her little muscles. We never go faster or farther than she wants to, that she can handle, but she really seems to enjoy it. She might do really well with an energetic family or even as a runner buddy, once she gets big enough to go.
 Above I'd like to label as Exhibit A. Meeting new friends. Earlier in the day we ran into a really nice lady who  gave her loves then went up into her apartment and came back down with her two huge golden retrievers. She told me that her dogs loved puppies and were gentle, and so we let them meet, and it was a big old sniffing love fest. SO: good with people, cats, dogs... she's becoming well rounded. :-)
She doesn't mind being an independent little soul, but she's still a little baby who loves a snuggle...

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